Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dreaded Tuesday Weigh-In

Well, I haven't been to Weight Watchers in two weeks. Three weeks ago, I lost 4 pounds...Woo hoo! But then we all got sick and I lost my focus. Last week, I got my focus back, but I still gained three pounds...Boo hoo! I was going to use my no weigh in pass, but I figured I'd face the scale and keep in mind that I have still lost 39 pounds...it was 42, but it will be again, and soon. I'm also down three clothing sizes.

I found out something VERY interesting though...I've been eating 35 extra points for the past few weeks. I'm supposed to lose 5 points per day because my daughter has started to eat solid foods and I'm not nursing exclusively anymore. So, hopefully, that will make a nice difference next week. I've been going to the gym four to five days a week (seven was too many, and I was getting very sleep deprived), and walking on the days I don't go to the gym. I've been working on a running program and am up to running for nine minutes...which for me is a huge deal, and I'm thrilled about it. It's amazing what an inhaler can do. It's wonderful to not have sharp pains in my lungs or cough for a half hour or more just because I was running for 30 seconds or so. I wish a doctor had prescribed one for me twenty years ago. Oh well.

Moving ahead...

I am still holding on like Indiana Jones, clinging to that whip as I'm being dragged behind "the wagon" until I can get back on again.

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