Saturday, April 11, 2009

An Argument for New York Pizza

There's an ongoing debate about which is better...New York Pizza or Chicago Pizza. Well, if you've ever eaten at Uno's Pizzeria, you know that Chicago style pizza is deep dish pizza. It's delicious, but do you KNOW how many calories and how much fat is in one of those "individual" pizzas??????

If you get Pizza Skins, which is a pizza dough stuffed with mashed potatoes and onions, and topped with cheddar cheese and bacon, it's got 60 points, which is three days worth of food!!! For those of you not familiar with points, that's 2400 calories and 155 grams of fat. And that's BEFORE you put on any of the sour cream they give you, AND they consider this an appetizer.

For a plain, ordinary, "individual" pizza, you'll be getting 1740 calories and 36 grams of fat, or 37 points...before you put on any of the three toppings they allow. Eek.

One slice of New York pizza is six points. One wedge of an "individual" Chicago style pizza is 1/2 of a serving, and it's also 6 points per wedge, but it's so much smaller!!!!!!!! Two wedges of that pizza can fit into a teacup.

I can't believe how much of this pizza I've eaten in my life. Uno's discloses all this information on its website and in a book at its locations, but I think it's still surprising. No wonder it tastes so good.

1 comment:

dr. mom's mom said...

Dear Krissy, What a bummer. All the good stuff is bad for you. Love, M