Friday, September 18, 2009

Beautiful Screamer

Our beautiful screamer is keeping me from being a beautiful dreamer. I have decided to become "Mean Mommy" because I absolutely can no longer function on 3-4 hours of sleep. Last night, my daughter actually did sleep, but I was so preoccupied with waiting for her to scream, that I couldn't fall asleep. She doesn't nap. She wants to be held. She will fall asleep in the car or on top of me, but as soon as I try to put her down, she screams. Today I decided that she was going to take a nap. She fell asleep while she was nursing, and I put her down. Immediately, she started to scream. And I just left her there. About a minute ago, everything suddenly got quiet. Could it be??? Could she be napping??? Tonight she's being put to bed at 8, and even if she screams for 3 or 4 hours (which is what she will do if I don't pick her up...I've tried being mean before, but always wimp out after that third hour), stay in bed she will. I'm always afraid I'm neglecting her, that she might have gas or a poop or something that's not taken care of, but I can never figure anything out. She's happy if she's being held, and if she was in any pain, she would still be crying while she's being held. I try to anticipate every need before putting her down, and now she needs to learn to put herself to sleep, and I need to be firm enough to let her. It will be difficult for both of us, but I can't live like a zombie anymore. The rest of the family is suffering because I can't do all the things I need to do because I'm just too tired. Also, I'm sure it's not really safe for me to drive while I'm so tired, but I have to sometimes.
I believe I'm going to take a shower now (all by myself!).
Wish me luck with the sleep training. I just hope my neighbors don't think I'm torturing her because she sounds like she's being murdered when she's left alone. Sigh.


Lidian said...

I wish you much luck and some sleep! I remember this very well and it is so so hard, I know. And I worried about all the things you mentioned; and it was OK in the end. Now they are teens (I have 2 girls) but I still remember the early days (even if they don't!)

The Dicobs said...

Don't worry...we don' hear her =)

dr. mom's mom said...

Looks like a lot of other people have been there. Even your own mother. Love, M

Unknown said...

We let our DD "cry it out" too, and it was well worth it, for her and for us. It is actually a very important skill for a child to have - to be able to fall asleep on their own. No kid ever died from crying - she'll be fine and in a week or two, everyone will be much happier because everyone will be able to SLEEP!! :-) Good luck!!