Sunday, August 6, 2017


Well, once again I am embarking upon a marathon.  I have 115.4 lbs to lose.  That's a lot.  It's a daunting number.  I have no desire to undergo surgery.  Over the past year, I have tried to follow a 1200 calorie diet, and I have failed miserably.  I also started eating sugar again, which was a terrible idea.  I also haven't been to the gym.  True, this year has been really tough.  However, that's just an excuse.  So, I have decided that it's time to take care of myself.  All my joints hurt and I have no energy.

This first week I stopped eating sugar again.  The withdrawal was tough the first few days, but now I feel much better.  I upped my calories to 1600, which is a one pound per week loss, according to My Fitness Pal.  That is much more doable than the 1200 calorie level.  It's so discouraging to fail day after day at calorie intake, so then I give up.  That's a really bad idea. One pound per week would mean that in two years I will be ten pounds from my goal weight.

The only times I'm ever successful at losing weight is when I do it with God.  When I give Him my sugar addiction, when I pray for Him to help me with temptation, when I surrender to Him, then it works.  When I want to give in, I don't bother to pray because I don't want him to stop me.  Also, I don't want food to be my god.  I want to remember to always turn to Jesus when things are tough, and to pray instead of eat.  I am wearing my Fit Bit and trying to stay active and get the house clean.

Last year has been really hard.  However, it's time to stop looking back.  Right now, today, this minute...what is a healthy thing to do?  Just keep going one moment to another with God.  Praying for that lamp to my feet and that light to my path...a little circle of light as from a lantern.  Anything I come to He will get me through.

So, here I go again.

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