Thursday, August 10, 2017

Hard Eucharisteo---Finding Thankfulness and Joy When It's Hard

As Christians, we are called to be grateful in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says that we are to do this because this is God's will for us in Jesus Christ.  So, in the Joy Dare for today, it says to be thankful for three hard Eucharisteos.  That means being grateful and joyful even when it's really hard. Thinking of the hard times is easy.  Being truly grateful and joyful during those hard times is not.  Joy is not just happiness when things are going well.  Joy is knowing that Jesus is with you no matter what, and that no matter what, you are never alone, you are always loved, and there is always hope.  It's a decision to pay attention to that and believe it.
Last night my brother called me.  We don't talk on the phone often, but I just love talking to him.  I'm not sure about where he stands with God...he told me once he was an atheist, but I wonder as time goes on, if he's thinking more about it.  I talk about Jesus all the time with him, but I don't ask him what he thinks.  I feel like my job is to love him no matter what, and to share as much about Jesus in my life as I can.  I only hope that I let Christ shine through me to others who aren't sure about him, or don't believe in him at all.  The Bible says that they will know we are Christians by our love...not by our pointing fingers, our opinions, or our judgment.  Anyway, I don't call my siblings or my friends very often because I don't want to complain, and I feel like I don't have much to say when they are talking about their vacations, purchases, parties, travels, or how great their kids are doing because I feel like I have nothing to say besides how it rained on our camping vacation, that my son is sick again, that we're tired, that our budget is stretched to the limit, and that we have no travel plans ever.  I feel like a downer.  I try to sound upbeat and strong, and I truly try to be grateful no matter what, but so often, I just feel like I have nothing good to say.  That's why I started writing here again.  I get it all out, and people can read it or not.
Anyway, here are things that bring me joy...
My kitties

My little vegetable and herb garden

My pretty bathroom with a cabinet built by DH

My pretty kitchen refinished by my DH
My kids playing in the driveway

My kitties

My DH and DD building a snowman in the front yard

Baking with my DD

A bee hive pinata built by DD and me
So, for hard eucharisteo, I am grateful that we don't have much money because I have learned to bargain and haggle and budget.  I am grateful that my son has so many health and behavioral problems because the constant struggle has formed a lot of patience in me, and I am very good at handling stressful situations because I have to do it every day.  I am grateful that we don't get to go away many places because we get to spend a lot of time in our home together with our cute kitties.
I never did come up with hole, whole, and half...I guess I'm grateful for the hole of my wedding ring so it can go around my finger, I look forward to spending my whole life with my wonderful husband, and I'm grateful that now I've known him for nearly half my life.

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