Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks: A Surprising Look at Autism

"Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks - Courtesy Barnes & Noble Books

I just finished reading "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. I chose this particular book just because I like Sparks' books, even though they are usually heart wrenching. This book was no exception.

What I didn't expect, and what I didn't see in the book reviews or movie trailer is that it has two autistic characters. I don't want to give anything away, but a very large part of the story is the development and change of the relationship between two of the characters as one realizes the other is autistic and comes to understand and accept the character's behavior and why their relationship has remained so limited.

If you're interested in reading a synopsis of the book full of every possible spoiler, you can do so here.

It was really a beautiful story, but like so many of Sparks' books, doesn't have a happy ending.

I wonder if the movie is going to be true to the book or if it's going to cheat and end the way anyone who read the book would want the book to end. I wonder if they're going to portray autism as it was so beautifully portrayed in the book.

I know I won't be seeing it in the movies, so if anyone sees it, please let me know how it is!


Kristine said...

The English Translation I got from World Lingo (and Google and Babel Fish) for the above Chinese comment is:
The human must cherish hoped that, only then can the live joy, the day only then cross substantially, has the significance, has the vitality, has the confidence.

What I got from this is:
One must embrace hope in order to live a full and joyful life and to live each day to the fullest.

A beautiful comment. Thank you. :)

Jen said...

Great read; I'll vouch! :o)