Thursday, May 6, 2010

Never Enough Patience

I pray continually for more patience, but it doesn't always come. I have a very bad trait in that I get very grumpy and impatient when I'm tired. Very often my son won't fall asleep until after midnight, and sometimes I'm up until 2 because I don't start housework until after he goes to sleep because I have to constantly go into his room because he bangs his head. Or, I get stressed out from all the tantrums, and I can't fall asleep. So, I've been getting about four hours of sleep per night over the last few nights. Tonight I vowed to go to bed early, but I hate to go to sleep before my son in case he needs me.

Also, I'm feeling horribly guilty. He always seems to want a toy I can't find, and until I find it (or my husband does), he will scream and smash his head into the wall. I got angry because I couldn't find the toy he wanted, and told him he just had to go to sleep. It was nearly 10 pm, and I was tired and just needed the day to end. Both kids have basically stopped napping, I haven't been sleeping, and I yelled at my poor son for doing something he can't help, and that of course got him more upset. My wonderful husband found the toy my son wanted, and my son quieted down. I felt horrible.
I went into his room and held him and rocked him and cried feeling like a horrible mother and thinking in my head that I was so sorry he didn't get a better Mommy. I told him how sorry I was that I lost my patience and I tucked him in and rubbed him.

My son being the sweetheart that he is forgave me without a moment's hesitation and just enjoyed being rocked and rubbed.

Why can't I just be more patient? Why is it so hard?

If you've ever watched 19 Kids and Counting, the mother, Michelle Duggar, had a baby at 25 weeks gestation, and has been at the hospital with the baby ever since. She didn't sleep for weeks when things were touch and go, and still with all the stress and lack of sleep, she remained cheerful. She never yells. I don't know how she does it.

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