Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another Great Morning!

This morning my son was awake before I went in to wake him up, but he was laying in bed quietly sucking on his fingers and his sleeve (so cute). I went in to get him ready for school and gave him some tickles (gentle stroking, not to make him laugh) to wake him up a little more and got him dressed without a single act of screaming, kicking, trying to run away...nothing. He didn't want to brush his teeth right away, but after I asked him a couple of times, he stood nicely for me so I could brush his teeth wash his face and brush his hair. He complained slightly about putting on his jacket, but I just said, "It's okay," and he put it on without any further trouble. Then he picked which choo choos he wanted to bring on the school bus, and went very nicely downstairs to wait for the bus. He sat on the stairs and sang and played with his trains and I sang one of his favorite songs to him...I love you a bushel and a peck. Then he said, "I love you" and hugged me! It was unbelievable. He was excited when the bus came and I could just keep up with him when he made a run for it. It was great. That's two days in a row now of mornings that never happened before. Maybe one or two things would go smoothly, but not everything...and not two days in a row. His teachers and the bus driver report that he seems happier and he's been singing a lot. I'm so happy. I hope he continues to feel good on the Melatonin.

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