Friday, June 12, 2009

1 Peter 5:7

I have a dry erase board up in my kitchen where I copy down whatever is in my calendar for the week as well as grocery items as I run out of them. On the bottom, I write an inspirational Bible quote each week. This week's Bible quote is from 1 Peter 5:7 - "Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares about you."
I've been feeling very stressed lately because my daughter is teething, has reflux, and never, ever wants to be put down. She hasn't even been taking naps lately. I have even affectionately referred to her as my little screaming tumor.
Of course, I also have a 4 year old with special needs who has been sick one way or another for the past six months, as has passed on just about every single illness to me.
And, of course, there's life in general.
So, lately, I've been choosing inspirational quotes having to do with frustration, stress, and anxiety. Interestingly enough, one of the Christian radio stations I listen to has been having a series this week on just those subjects. It's been very comforting to listen to talks about remembering to trust in God, and how worrying is downright sinful because it means you don't trust that God is handling everything for your own ultimate, if not immediate, good.
Last night, the Bible quote they were discussing was the one on my dry erase board. I thought that was so neat.
I know these are things I will continue to struggle with, but it's good to know that no matter what, everything is going to be okay.

1 comment:

Cindy @ Fenced in Family said...

Wonderful verse. :) We sing a song at church based on it...I wish I could give you the tune but here are the words at least.

I cast my care upon You
for You care for me.
Your eye is on the sparrow
and I know that You are watching.
Even though the lion rages,
I will have no fear
for God, You're in control
and my life is in Your care.
My life is in Your care.