Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Son's Ordeal...

My son was finally able to go back to school today because he got clearance from the doctor that he doesn't have anything contagious. So, the next step, since he still has diarrhea, is to go to the GI doctor. That's a tummy doctor. After he got home from school today, he took a nap, and then we went to get his new glasses. He looks so handsome in them! My husband got home just a few minutes after we did, so he stayed outside with the kids so they could play, and I went upstairs to cook dinner. While slicing onions and boiling pasta, I heard a horrible screaming coming from the stairwell, so I ran over to see what had happened. My son was covered in wasp stings.
My son had been playing near a pine tree, and apparently, there was a yellow jacket nest there, and they attacked him. As he was being stung, he then got attacked by my husband who was smacking all the wasps off and killing them as they stung our son. He was stung by well over a dozen insects, and each one stung him numerous times. He was covered with welts and screaming in pain. I got out all the stingers that were left over from the wasps my husband killed while they were stinging our son. Then I took him right to the car to drive him to the hospital.
He got very quiet, so I called 911 and pulled over into a nearby parking lot. The fire department, police department, and EMS came. My poor son was in too much pain and too upset to be at all excited about the trucks. The EMS persons observed him for a few minutes, and since they didn't see any allergic reaction, they said that we could either choose to have him looked at in the ER or take him to the local pediatric ER. So, we chose to take him to the local pediatric ER to forgo the hospital experience since there was no immediate danger.

On the way there, he was screaming for us to turn the pain off. It was horrible and pathetic. We stopped off at home on the way to the doctor and I gave him some Tylenol with codeine that we had left over from a surgery he had last year. It did nothing for his pain. When we got to the doctor's office, they gave him a shot of morphine, some benadryl, and a prescription for percocet. He's resting comfortably now. We have the baby monitor in his room so we will be able to hear him if he wakes up.

Poor thing can't catch a break. I'm just glad he's going to be okay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! I cannot believe that happened! Thank GOD he wasn't allergic, how frightening that must have been for all of you! I'm glad he's resting now and I sure hope he feels much better in the morning. How awful!!!! :-(