Thursday, April 1, 2010

Annual Reports/ CPSE/My Silly Kids

CPSE stands for the committee for preschool special education. Each year they are required to meet with the parents using the annual report prepared by the teachers and therapists to discuss services the child is eligible for during the following year. The first meeting I attended was during the transition from early intervention, where my son received therapy at home, to preschool, where all of his services would be provided in an educational institution. Now we're already working on the transition to kindergarten.
Reading the annual report is always difficult. By necessity, it focuses on the negative because all of the problem areas (or as Avis Rent a Car always used to call them...areas of opportunity) must be identified and strategies must be suggested.
Progress is painfully slow with my son. In two years he progressed from being 12-18 months developmentally to being 18-24 months developmentally. Everything is difficult for him.
However, he's still my little boy, and while I was feeling all upset about his report, he came over to me, leaned his head on me and said, "Ahhh Mama." That made my day.
I just love him so much. I always tell him "I don't know what to do with you" followed by, "I guess I'll just have to kiss you." He thinks that's funny.
He has such a wonderful sense of humor and loves to laugh. He and my daughter are always cracking each other up until they are absolutely hysterical. Today we went out to eat at Applebees with a gift certificate my husband received for his birthday, and the people in the booth next to us were laughing. So, my son became hysterical just enjoying laughing along with them. This of course made my daughter laugh too.
My daughter is picking up words left and right, and also has an incredible sense of humor. We're laughing here all the time. Everything is funny. Today when we asked her where we ate, she said, "Applebees". She loved the big apple on the sign and exclaimed, "Apple! Apple!" She's a pure joy.
Someone walking by our table in the restaurant said we had such well behaved children. They really were very good. We were grateful.

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