Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bowl Surfing

Well, I've been trying to keep track of what has been causing my son to tantrum lately since his tantrums have been escalating. Last night he threw a major tantrum because he was trying to wear a cereal bowl as a shoe, and it wouldn't stay on his foot. I did not see his vision. I told him that it wasn't possible to wear a bowl on his foot because he's a growing boy and his foot is too big.

I hid the bowl to try to get the tantrum to stop.

Then my husband came home, and he saw the vision.

He pushed my son around with his feet in a bowl, and my son was so happy. He was laughing hysterically.

There is always more than one way to look at things. It can either be very frustrating to try to understand how someone else sees the world when you just don't get it, or you can just do your best to indulge their unusual ideas, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

It's difficult watching my son struggle with so many things. However, it is a blessing and a gift that he sees the world in such a different way. I get to see things I never, ever would have thought of otherwise.

Who knows? Maybe bowl surfing will be the next great sport, or maybe my son will invent something wonderful. He certainly has a very different way of looking at the world, and it's a terrific thing.

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